Well, It's been a while since my last post and a ton of things have happened around the Doerr household. First of all we closed on our house at the end of January. That is not to say that we've been done with the builders. Oh no, they have been trying to fix a leak in our front facade that drains onto the floor in our foyer since we moved in. They've pulled the foyer walls down twice and we now think they have it fixed. We're almost done with that nightmare.
Then in February Brian's company announced that they were going private. A bit scary as there would be more pressure on the team but overall not a bad thing. Just when the deal was about to be finalized, another company, CHS, came in and offered $500 million more than the private equity group. Suddenly we went from going private to being bought by a smaller company who used investors and our own money to buy us.
The deal is set to close at the end of July and at that point I'll be working for CHS for a bit until I am severed in October. I'm talking with people around the country now about the next step in my career and have a few firms and some ideas in the works. I may also work on a contract basis with CHS if they need me past the sever date. We'll see.
Those are the two biggest reasons I haven't been posting. If I would have started writing at the time these things were going on, I would have said things I shouldn't have…you know what I mean.
Things at home are bit crazy as well. We planned on putting in a pool this spring but with the uncertainty around how long we'd be staying, we decided to hold off and that has made the summer interesting for Cheryl and the kids. We've gone to Six Flags twice and to the neighborhood pools a few times and luckily all the rain has kept it cooler than normal around here. Although the cesspool that sits next to my house when it rains is not too much fun.
That's pretty much what's up around here. I'm going to try and be better about posting (and getting the family to post).