Matthew has wanted to start every blog entry with "I Love Mrs. Robinson." I explained that we can’t start every blog off the same way (Sorry Mrs. Robinson) And when I told him that for the Apple Story, his comment was, "OK…Start it off ‘I like Mrs. Robinson’". I got him off of it and…
Read moreThoughts on My School and Dad’s iPod
I love my school. My teacher’s names are Ms. McEntyre and Ms. Jones. I counted 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 in my class last time. I like to go to Garden and then I grab my bag. I like writing on the paper. I wish I could stay for lunch. -ed: Mom misses her and picks her up before…
Read moreI’m not the only one who hates a locked up iPhone
I thought the furor around the iPhone update that either locked your iPhone so that it only runs the base software, or bricked your iPhone if it was hacked to run on networks besides ATT, was dying down. But then I read this blog from Leo Laporte, an Apple Fan and host or podcasts, radio shows and a…
Read moreA Scary Story (part 1)
Once upon a time on a day close to Halloween, a boy named Mark was outside at night time. There was the sound of something breathing. It was behind his house. Mark got out of his house and went downstairs. Mark went outside and went behind his house…and his friend said…BOO! A few days later…
Read moreThe Apple Tree Story
Once a time there were some pretty apple seeds. Then along came a beautiful apple blossom. Next came a big delicious apple growing. Finally an entire tree full of beautiful apples appeared. The End. That’s the Apple Tree story. -Matthew
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